Download LogConv
To make downloading LogConv faster its files are zipped up into a single file. To download and install LogConv please perform the following steps:
- Make sure that your computer has the v3.5 of the .Net runtime or later installed. It is usually already installed on modern versions of Windows.
- Download and save it to your local hard drive.
- Decompress using your favorite zip utility. WinZip is the most popular Windows utility and can be tried for free when obtained from
- Run the "setup.exe" program.
- Follow the installation prompts and change the default installtion location only if you need to.
Start up the GUI converted through the start menu:
Start->Program Files->KA5WSS Software->LogConv.
For Windows XP, Vista and 7, this may be:
Start->All Programs->KA5WSS Software->LogConv.
Be sure to purchase a license key so that LogConv is enabled to convert more than the first 10 QSO's in a log file.